„Monitoring and Observation System for Port Areas Using Floating Unmanned Mobile Research Platforms”
The Marine Technology company, as a result of the completed tender, was selected to perform the contract for services related to research and measurements via an unmanned unit for the project with the acronym MPSS. The project was also the first project implemented by the Port of Gdynia Authority SA. with the support of funds that came from the funds of the Norwegian mechanism in the current perspective.
The aim of the MPSS project was to determine the possibility of obtaining accreditation from state administration units for research carried out using unmanned surface platforms and recommendations regarding the unification of technical standards in this area.
The project involved the use of a mobile research platform in the activities of the Port of Gdynia and includes two very important tasks that were completed by 31 December 2023.
Task 1: Performing hydrographic measurements: bathymetric measurements and sonar surveys in the indicated port waters.
Task 2: Automatic sampling of water (surface and deep seabed) and bottom sediments at designated measuring points and measurements made with the use of a plankton grid at any time of the year.
Port of Gdynia Authority S.A. envisaged obtaining the following most important benefits from the implementation of the MPSS project:
determination of boundary conditions for the safety of the movement of unmanned platform on port waters in relation to other ships and port infrastructure;
increasing the efficiency of works carried out in the port by implementing uniform rules for the use of unmanned platforms in port waters (in cooperation with the Maritime Office and the Harbor Master's Office in Gdynia);
implementation of the assumptions of the European Union policy in the field of climate protection and the protection of the Baltic Sea waters through the implementation of a pro-ecological monitoring system;
ensuring constant supervision over port waters, taking into account places difficult to reach or dangerous for humans, extending the scope of observation of the marine environment thanks to the measurement of water currents and waves with their modeling;
increasing the intensity of research work (even 24 hours a day, 7 days a week);
increasing the level of environmental performance and innovation of the port;
identification of the conditions necessary for the widespread use of floating drones for research in port waters.
Sampling had to take place in winter, spring, summer and autumn. The company has already completed all planned missions. The last, autumn, salary was carried out on October 17-20, 2022. The area scope was the Basins in the Port of Gdynia (I, II, III, IV, VI), characterized by high concrete quays, which, however, are not a major problem for Marine Technology due to meticulously planned work.
The water samples collected by the unmanned platform were analyzed by the laboratory, thanks to which, during the project implementation, a physico-chemical profile of port water was created. The data, observations and analyzes received were included in the final report, containing recommendations and instructions for state administration bodies regarding the use of unmanned platforms for research and measurement work in port areas.
In March, April and May, bathymetric and sonar measurements were made along the following quays: Czech, Finnish, Rotterdam, Rumuński, Słowacki, United States and Hungarian. The documentation was delivered to the Port of Gdynia Authority SA.
The implementation of solutions using unmanned platforms in the Port of Gdynia will directly contribute to the development of strong trends in the maritime industry aimed at the development of systems based on autonomy.

You can also read about the project on the official website of the Port of Gdynia Authority SA.(in Polish).
„Monitoring and Observation System for Port Areas Using Floating Unmanned Mobile Research Platforms”
You can read about the project and the participation of the HydroDron-1 unit in the following articles:
[EN] Baltic Transport Journal (pages: 62-32)
[PL] Barometr dynamiki rozwoju ISP 1 (pages: 18-19)
[PL] Dziennik Bałtycki (issue of 9 December 2021, page no. 9)
[PL] Port Gdynia wykorzystuje polski, innowacyjny HydroDron do badań akwenów
[PL] 800 km ze sztuczną inteligencją na mostku w Zatoce Tokijskiej. Polska raczkuje w Gdyni
4/6 Roszczynialskiego St.
81-521 Gdynia
13/5 Niemena St.
81-603 Gdynia
37/5 Klonowica St.
71-248 Szczecin