Patent for Marine Technology!

Patent for Marine Technology!

Patent for Marine Technology! We are proud to announce that the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland has approved the application entitled: “Supervision and response system for a collision situation around a small autonomous and unmanned vessel”. The...
Our new LIDER!

Our new LIDER!

Our new LIDER! We are proud to announce that Marine Technology has been awarded funding in connection with the implementation of the project: „Innovative multidimensional and multitemporal coastal zone monitoring system using an autonomous unmanned vessel” within the...
HYPACK 2021 Third quarterly update

HYPACK 2021 Third quarterly update

HYPACK 2021 Third quarterly update We would like to inform you about the third quarterly update of the HYPACK 2021 program. You can read more about the update here.   New Releases & Program...
HYPACK 2021 Second quarterly update

HYPACK 2021 Second quarterly update

HYPACK 2021 Second quarterly update We would like to inform you about the second quarterly update of the HYPACK 2021 program. You can read more about the update here.   New Releases & Program...
HYPACK 2021 Third quarterly update

HYPACK 2021 Quarterly update

HYPACK 2021 Quarterly update We would like to inform you about the first quarterly update of the HYPACK 2021 program. You can read more about the update here.   New Releases & Program...
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