Recent measurements of the HydroDron-1 as part of the MPSS project

On May 15-17, 2023 the last measurement session of the HydroDron-1 under the MPSS project took place, i.e „The system of monitoring and observation of port areas with the use of floating unmanned mobile research platforms”. At the same time, the first part of the research and development project.
During the measurement sessions in 3 months (March, April and May), bathymetric and sonar measurements were made in order to prepare bathymetric documentation and reports on the construction of the bottom. Recordings were made along 7 berths (some of the areas were probed twice, in different measurement sessions).
In the previous year, the HydroDron-1 was used, also as part of the MPSS project, for automatic sampling of water and bottom sediments.
You can read more about the project on the official website of the Port of Gdynia, in the MPSS tab.
Anna Salomon, project manager from the Port of Gdynia Authority, commented on the project using autonomous vessels in an entry prepared by Jakub Milszewski.