
HydroDron-1 – Certificate of Seaworthiness

HydroDron-1 – Certificate of Seaworthiness

We are pleased to inform you that the pride of Marine Technology Ltd., i.e. the autonomous HydroDron-1 vessel, received a Certificate of Seaworthiness. Few autonomous vessels in the world have received such a certificate. In order to receive the above document, a...

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It’s here! Hypack 2023!

It’s here! Hypack 2023!

At the same time, we would like to point out that the latest version of the program can only be used if the customer has a current maintenance plan.Ladies and Gentlemen, We are pleased to announce the new version of Hypack - Hypack 2023. The new version has developed...

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Sampling has been completed as part of the MPSS project

Sampling has been completed as part of the MPSS project

We would like to inform you that on 20.10.2022 Marine Technology Ltd. completed one of the tasks performed under the project „Monitoring and Observation System for Port Areas Using Floating Unmanned Mobile Research Platforms” with the acronym MPSS. Sampling has been...

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4/6 Roszczynialskiego St.
81-521 Gdynia

13/5 Niemena St.
81-603 Gdynia

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71-248 Szczecin


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