Sampling has been completed as part of the MPSS project

Sampling has been completed as part of the MPSS project

Sampling has been completed as part of the MPSS project We would like to inform you that on 20.10.2022 Marine Technology Ltd. completed one of the tasks performed under the project „Monitoring and Observation System for Port Areas Using Floating Unmanned Mobile...
HYPACK 2022 Third quarterly update

HYPACK 2022 Third quarterly update

HYPACK 2022 Third quarterly update We would like to inform you about the third quarterly update of the HYPACK 2022 program. At the same time, we would like to remind you that HYPACK 2022 Q3 Updates Patch can be downloaded both as an EXE file and as a ZIP file. In the...
HYPACK 2022 Third quarterly update

HYPACK 2022 Second quarterly update

HYPACK 2022 Second quarterly update We would like to inform you about the second quarterly update of the HYPACK 2022 program. At the same time, we would like to remind you that you no longer need to unpack new files in the program folder, because HYPACK has adapted to...
HYPACK 2022 First quarterly update

HYPACK 2022 First quarterly update

HYPACK 2022 First quarterly update We would like to inform you about the third quarterly update of the HYPACK 2021 program. This time there is no need to unpack new files in the program folder, because HYPACK has adapted to the client’s needs and made available...
Marine Technology’s participation in the MPSS project

Marine Technology’s participation in the MPSS project

Marine Technology’s participation in the MPSS project The Marine Technology company, as a result of the completed tender, was selected to perform the contract for services related to research and measurements via an unmanned unit for the project with the acronym...
Another patent application

Another patent application

Another patent application We are pleased to announce that Marine Technology Sp. z o.o. received from The Patent Office of the Republic of Poland confirmation of acceptance of the application for a patent for an invention entitled: „Combined module of unmanned...
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