
INNOSBZ competition

INNOSBZ competition

The INNOSBZ competition is adjudicated: Our project  "Development of an autonomous / remote controlled floating platform dedicated to hydrographic measurements on restricted waters" He was selected for funding.

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INNOSBZ competition

Smart Buoy System

Our company has made a Technical project of the Smart Buoy System (SMB) in accordance with the assumptions of the conceptual project entitled. Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea - EfficientSea2 implemented by UMG in Horizon 2020 program. The project was...

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INNOSBZ competition

Functional and Utility Program

Dear All, Works on the Functional and Use Program of the Full Implementation of the RIS Border and Lower Odra have been completed. We invite you to read:

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INNOSBZ competition

Marine Technology is implementing another project

Dear All, We are pleased to announce that our company won the tender announced by the Marshal's Office for the implementation of the project Support for preparatory works for the construction of the system project "Regional Infrastructure of Spatial Information of the...

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4/6 Roszczynialskiego St.
81-521 Gdynia

13/5 Niemena St.
81-603 Gdynia

37/5 Klonowica St.
71-248 Szczecin


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    Rozmiar czcionki