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„Autonomous vessels – waiting for the boom” – an interview with Prof. Andrzej Stateczny

„Autonomous vessels – waiting for the boom” – an interview with Prof. Andrzej Stateczny

We are pleased to inform you about an interview conducted by Marcin Wandałowski from Pomorski Przegląd Gospodarczy with the President of Marine Technology – Prof. Andrzej Staczny.

The main topic of the interview is the dynamic technological development in the field of automated guided vehicles. Prof. Andrzej Stateczny shared his opinion on the barriers to the development of this type of units and objectively commented on the level of taming the novelty by man. In addition, other projects currently being developed under the LIDER program by Marine Technology, i.e. INNOBAT and 4DShoreMap, were mentioned.

We invite you to read a very interesting interview on the website of the Pomeranian Economic Review or in the form of a PDF document. The interview is also available on the Baltic Sea & Space Cluster website, which allows for wider access to the interview for interested people. Thanks!